Plymouth Township
Montgomery County, Pennsylvania

Police Communications Center

Plymouth Township Police Department operates a 24-hour Communications Center to serve Plymouth Township’s residents and businesses.  During the last decade, there have been significant technological advances in the field of communications.  In response, the complexity of communicating has increased greatly.  Our Communications Center has been successful in keeping abreast of these advancements by utilizing state-of-the-art, digital communication systems and techniques for the immediate delivery of vital information.

Although we are dispatched by the Montgomery County Emergency Dispatch Services Center, a division of Montgomery County Public Safety, all requests for police service are handled efficiently and safely, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.  We still maintain staffing in our 24-hour Communication Center.  Communication Center staff answer and direct administrative calls to the appropriate personnel. They also coordinate officer response with Montgomery County Emergency Dispatch Services for people who come directly to the police department requesting police assistance. For all EMERGENCIES, please call 9-1-1.

Training certifications are required to maintain access to confidential resources and to support professional development.  The commitment and dedication of Plymouth Township Police dispatchers to the protection and safety of this community help make Plymouth Township a great place to live and work.

Additional Responsibilities of police dispatchers include assessing and updating: Maintaining the statewide, computerized, law information system NCIC, updating our records management system, assisting surrounding departments and agencies, monitoring 26 wireless traffic cameras throughout the Township which assists the officers locating active incidents.

Information requested and transmitted for law enforcement purposes includes, but is not limited to, the validity of vehicle operators, the status of stolen vehicles, articles, missing and wanted persons as well as national security information such as AMBER alerts and Homeland Security bulletins.

There are several ways in which police response is initiated:

EMERGENCY Call 9-1-1 directly
Non-Emergency Police Response call 610-279-1900
By an Officer on patrol
A visit to the Police Station
By email for non-emergencies/administrative
Administration Only 610-279-1901

Please remember when contacting 9-1-1 remain on the phone until all information has been provided to the dispatcher and all necessary information has been given.  Let the dispatcher end the call and hang up first.  If you are not sure where you are, look for landmarks, businesses and street signs.  When calling 9-1-1 you will be asked to give your name and the phone number from which you are calling in addition to the location where police are needed.

When emailing the Police Department look under “Police Information” and “Police Roster” then click on the Officer’s name to send your email make sure you include as much information as possible and provide contact information.  IF THIS IS AN URGENT MATTER, YOU SHOULD NOT CONSIDER EMAIL CONTACT.  


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