Plymouth Township
Montgomery County, Pennsylvania

Tax Information

Business Privilege Tax
The Business Privilege Tax (BPT) is a business gross receipts tax levied by Plymouth Township for the privilege of doing certain types of business in Plymouth.
The BPT applies to the gross receipts of all businesses and persons engaged in business in Plymouth Township except those of businesses subject to the Mercantile Tax or businesses that fall under the manufacturing or other allowable exclusions or that are subject to gross receipts taxes for services rendered under certain conditions in other municipalities.
For purposes of the BPT, business is defined as any activity carried on for gain or profit including, but not limited to, the performance of services. All businesses, trades, and professions where any service is offered to the public or other businesses are liable for payment of this tax, except as described above. Businesses subject to the BPT generally include professions such as insurance agents, real estate and stock brokers, doctors, lawyers, financial consultants, auto mechanics, etc.
Businesses subject to the BPT are required to pay a tax to Plymouth Township each year equal to 1.5 mills, or $1.50 for every $1,000 in gross receipts. In addition each business must pay an annual $25.00 business license fee. BPT returns are required to be filed with the Township’s Tax Department by April 15 each year. Failure to file a BPT return or to pay any taxes due can lead to citations, fines, and suspension of the privilege to do business in Plymouth Township.

Beginning in 2022, The Township has appointed Tri-State Financial Group to collect all Business Privilege Tax payments and application submissions. Click here for a link to Tri-State Financial Group’s website to make all Business Privilege Tax payments and to fill out applications


Mercantile Tax
The Mercantile Tax (MT) is a business gross receipts tax levied by Plymouth Township upon the privilege of doing certain types of business in Plymouth.
The MT applies to the gross receipts of all businesses and persons engaged in business in Plymouth Township except those of businesses subject to the Business Privilege Tax or businesses that fall under the manufacturing or other allowable exclusions or that are subject to gross receipts taxes for applicable sales made under certain conditions in other jurisdictions.
For purposes of the MT, business is defined as any activity carried on for gain or profit including, but not limited to, the sale of merchandise either at wholesale or retail. All businesses, trades, and professions where any merchandise is offered to the public are liable for payment of this tax, except as described above.

Businesses subject to the MT are required to pay a tax to Plymouth Township each year equal to 1.5 mills, or $1.50 for every $1,000 in gross receipts. In addition each business must pay an annual $25.00 business license fee. MT returns are required to be filed with the Township’s Tax Department by April 15 each year. Failure to file a MT return or to pay any taxes due can lead to citations, fines, and suspension of the privilege to do business in Plymouth Township.

Beginning in 2022, The Township has appointed Tri-State Financial Group to collect all Mercantile Tax payments and application submissions. Click here for a link to Tri-State Financial Group’s website to make all Mercantile Tax payments and to fill out applications


Township Real Estate Tax
All owners of taxable real property in Plymouth Township (vacant land or residential, commercial, and other structures) are subject to a real estate tax each year. An owner of tax-exempt real property – such as a church, university, or public utility – generally is not subject to the real estate tax. There are four taxing jurisdictions to which Plymouth property owners pay the real estate tax: Plymouth Township, Colonial School District, Montgomery County, and Montgomery County Community College. The real estate tax is based on a millage rate levied each year by the respective governing bodies of those jurisdictions. The Plymouth Township real estate tax is set by the Township Council in December each year as part of the annual budget process; the School District tax is set each spring by the Colonial School Board; and the County tax is set each December by the Montgomery County Commissioners. For current millage rates, contact the tax office. One mill of real estate tax is equal to one dollar for each $1,000 of a property’s assessed value. To figure the real estate tax owed for a given year, multiply a property’s assessed value by the millage rate (expressed as mills x .001).
The real estate taxes paid to Plymouth Township cover a comprehensive array of quality services such as police, highway maintenance, street lights, sanitation, snow and ice removal, parks and recreation programs and code enforcement.
Residents who pay their current year’s Township property tax by April receive a 2% discount, while Township taxes paid after June are subject to a 10% penalty. If a Plymouth property owner does not pay their Township tax by December 31, a lien will be placed against the property until the delinquent taxes are paid. The property could also be subject to a Sheriff’s Sale to the public.
Beginning in 2022, Plymouth Township has appointed H.A. Berkheimer,Inc. to collect all Real Estate Tax payments. For more information about your real estate tax bill, please contact Berkheimer’s Real Estate Tax Division at 610-599-3143 or the Township at 610-233-0591.Click here for a link to Berkheimer’s real estate tax.


For tax certifications please follow this link.



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