Plymouth Township
Montgomery County, Pennsylvania

Service & Devotion Monument

         Through the efforts and inspiration of local veteran, George Gunning, Jr., Plymouth Township’s Service and Devotion monument will be built in Community Center Park, at the corner of Germantown Pike and Walton Road. The monument will feature eight distinctive pillars honoring the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, Law Enforcement, Fire and Ambulance with a special area dedicated to fallen officer, Brad Fox.  The monument will have two areas for individual memorializations and tributes can be displayed through bricks and pavers adding to the site’s aesthetic appeal.


The Sanctuary will feature those who have served in the Armed Forces and lived in Plymouth Township at some time in their lives or have served Plymouth Township as an emergency responder whether or not they have lived in Plymouth. All purchased bricks and pavers must fit this criteria and are subject to verification.

The Supporter area is available to individuals or businesses that are interested in supporting the project or have someone they would like to honor.

Three-tiered supporter wall featuring granite plaques is available to those who have provided in-kind services or wish to display a business logo.

We invite you to help us honor the past, present and future citizens of Plymouth Township for their tireless dedication and devotion.  If you wish to discuss donations and ways to get involved, please contact Karen Franck at 610-277-4312 or email.


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