Plymouth Township
Montgomery County, Pennsylvania

Is Your Trash Can/Toter Too Big?

In recent years, more residents have been using large 60–90-gallon carts for their trash and recycling. These carts are designed for mechanical lifting, not manual handling, which makes them difficult for the township’s sanitation team to manage safely. To ensure the safety and efficiency of trash collection, containers must not exceed 30 gallons in size and must weigh no more than 50 pounds when full. For comparison, an empty 90-gallon cart weighs about 40 pounds.

A typical 30-gallon trash can is similar in size to the round blue recycling containers provided by the township. Please use a container of this size and avoid using larger, wheeled carts. Trash placed in containers larger than 30 gallons will be left at the curb and tagged.

As a reminder, the township provides each resident with one free 30-gallon recycling container. Residents can also exchange damaged recycling containers at no cost. Additional containers can be purchased from the township for $25 each.

Let’s support the sanitation team by using the appropriately sized trash and recycling containers!
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