Plymouth Township
Montgomery County, Pennsylvania

Outdoor Holiday Market

The Holiday Market is SOLD OUT!  If you would like to be added to the interest list for future events please email Joanna [email protected] 

Crafters, Direct Sales & Vendors ONLY!


OVER THE PHONE- 610-277-4312

3% added to all credit card payments.

Rules & Regulations:
Date: Saturday, November 18 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM  (No Rain Date)
Location: Colonial Middle School- parking lot (716 Belvoir Road, Plymouth Meeting)
Set-Up: All labor is the responsibility of the seller.  Parks & Recreation staff will not be available to provide set-up assistance.  Each vendor must stay within the designated space assignment.  No electricity will be provided.  Set-up is from 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM.
Hours of Operation: The sale will run from 10am-2pm.  No cars will be allowed to drive through the lot during the hours of operation.
Clean-Up: All clean-up is the responsibility of the seller.  No items or trash may be left behind.  If anything is left in your designated area you will be subject to a fine.  Clean-up is from 2pm-3pm.
Tents, Tables & Space:  You will be given 1 bus parking space or 2 standard parking spaces as your designated parking and selling space.  You may bring your own 10×10 pop up tent if you would like.  You are responsible for providing your own tables and chairs.  Your tent, tables and chairs must fit in your designated space.  No tables will be available to rent.
Alcoholic Beverages & Tobacco:  No alcohol or tobacco products are allowed to be sold or consumed.
Trademarked/Counterfeit Merchandise:  The sale, display or distribution of merchandise that infringes upon copyrighted design or materials or bears counterfeit trademarks is prohibited.
Sound:  Please keep all sound emitting merchandise to a minimum.  Be courteous to your neighbor.  You may be asked to turn something off or down if it is causing a distraction.
Animals: No animals are allowed to be sold or given away.
Parking: You must park your vehicle in your selling space.

Plymouth Township & Colonial School District are not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged items.
No refunds will be given.

Questions?  Concerns?  Contact Joanna
[email protected]  or at 610-277-4312

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